In April 2021, I began making these brush and ink drawings where I gave myself enough freedom to make whatever came naturally to my mind. In doing so, I began to express and depict based on what I was feeling at the moment or about something I had come across or was thinking about. I try to achieve some compositional balance while doing them. These take me from 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the complexity.
I stopped after about 20 of these and moved to drawing and creating in my diary.
Below you can find fifteen of these compositions.
Based on David Hockney and something that he talked about

"At some point, being angry is just another bad habit. Like smoking. It poisons and poisons."

Based on the movie Seven Psycopaths. A bit of blades and bullets.


"You smooth the rough edges off conversation, you leave whole bits where nothing happens."

Below are a few similar drawings but they are either more representational and/or experiments with a calligraphy pen