final posters
The brief
Set by Google Fonts and HMCT
for D&AD New Blood Awards 2022
" Type as the universal voice
of peace, dignity and equality. "
Typography has the power to make words matter, and to make words more relevant. Create a typographically-led campaign based on or expanding the Articles of the UDHR as a call to action or awareness. Choose an issue that compels you, and makes you care deeply. No matter our origins or where we live now, we should all have access and rights to: education, the right to choose, breathe clean air, freedom, justice, etc. Bring these issues to life in a way that is engaging for your audience.

The Process
1. Research
2. Ideation
3. Iteration
4. Final Outcome
1. Research
It began with secondary research from the internet. I got in touch with several lawyers and had a thorough discussions. Focusing on both sides of the argument among other general points, I filled pages and pages with points, arguments and questions and arrived at the chart to the right.

2. Ideation
The next phase was aimed at establishing the way I would be using typography and included sketches initially and soon progressed to digital explorations of the slogan.

This is the final sketch I arrived at. The common ‘i’ aligned well in the entire text and depicted an injection, which represents one of the major forms of capital punishment - lethal injection. I believed it to contain illustrative imagery and balanced typography, which would help in grabbing attention in a poster and make people spend a little more time to absorb the message.

3. Iteration
A few iterations of the text weight and effect. I decided to go with the chosen one because it was bold enough to match the seriousness of the issue and the lowercase text is more legible.

This step phase began with finalising typefaces. The brief made it mandatory to be from Google Fonts. I narrowed it down to Noto Sans JP and Noto Serif because they score well on the scale between being contemporary (geometric typefaces) and informal (too narrow or monospaced).

These are sketches showing different execution techniques and graphic treatment.

4. Final Outcome
Poster 1
Execution by Shooting
"Don't Pull the Trigger on Humanity"

Poster 2
Lethal Injection
"Don't Push the Needle in Humanity"